Program Requirements & Basis of Design

Owner Program
Requirements & Initial Basis of Design

At DC Deployed, our process starts by identifying and understanding the owner program requirements. This crucial step informs the Basis of Design, setting a clear path for the project’s progression. We diligently identify your data center’s needs, requirements, and objectives to ensure that our approach aligns with your unique business goals and strategic vision. Once the requirements are clear and agreed upon, we initiate the Basis of Design. This phase involves setting the technical and functional criteria for the project, defining the fundamental parameters such as size, capacity, and overall system requirements for the data center. The Basis of Design serves as a blueprint that all stakeholders can understand and follow. Following the initial Basis of Design, we move onto Program Development for Engineering. This critical phase involves translating the Basis of Design into a detailed, actionable plan. Employing our industry leading expertise to develop an efficient and effective construction program. This detailed plan outlines the construction process, sequencing, and be it electrical, mechanical, or architectural. At DC Deployed, we maintain a keen focus on maintaining transparency and constant communication throughout these processes, ensuring your vision and business goals remain at the forefront of every decision and action we take.