Artificial Intelligence Requires New Data Center Infrastructure

The advent of AI technology is imposing a new reality on Data infrastructure. How are data center consulting firms reacting?

A recent article from sheds light on the transformation of data center infrastructures to meet the needs of AI computing. The rapid growth of artificial intelligence is triggering a revolution in data centers, led by pioneering companies like DC Deployed and touching on design functionality and power. The existing infrastructure, built to support cloud computing, video streaming and 5G networks, falls short of the demanding needs brought about by AI technology.

As this transformation takes place, it’s essential for data center consulting firms to stay ahead of these shifts, planning and designing data centers that can efficiently power the next generation of AI technologies. DC Deployed is uniquely positioned, with one of the most experienced teams in the industry, to design and deploy data centers that can handle the needs of AI now and in the future.

DC Deployed understands the challenges that AI poses to data centers. The necessary unique cloud-computing framework, redefines the norms for data center networks, particularly regarding their locations and functionalities. Major players have recognized the importance of AI, investing in the development and modification of data centers to optimize them for AI data processing requirements.

AI infrastructure is typically composed of two parts; The ‘training’ part handles vast amounts of data, requiring substantial computational firepower and high-performance GPU semiconductors. This power-intensive nature dictates new data centers’ location and cooling technology, ideally near renewable energy sources and using new liquid-based cooling systems.

The other side of the infrastructure is the ‘inference’ part, responsible for the AI’s higher functions and supports interactive platforms that can respond to queries in human-like syntax. Current data center networks can be adapted to meet the connectivity needs of the inference part. However, they’ll need to be closer to power substations and demand upgrades for the massive processing capacity required.

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